Blessed mansion of the city which is above!†  O day of eternity, which night cannot hide, but the highest truth ever enlightens! O day ever joyful, ever secure, and never yielding to darkness! Oh, that that day had shone upon us, and that all these temporal things were at an end! To the saints indeed it shines glorious with perpetual brightness, but only afar off, and as the dim reflection of a darkened mirror,† to those who are pilgrims on the earth. The citizens of Heaven know how full of gladness is that day, but the banished sons of Eve bewail the bitterness and tediousness of this life, so full of sorrows and restrictions. Here a man is defiled with many sins, ensnared by many passions, held fast by many fears, racked with many cares, distracted with many curiosities, entangled with many vanities, compassed about with many errors, worn away with many labors, burdened with temptations, enervated by pleasures, and tormented with want.
Oh, when will all these evils come to an end? When will I be mindful, Lord, of You alone? † When will I fully rejoice in you? When will I be without all hindrance in true liberty, without all heaviness of mind and body? When will I have solid peace, peace secure and undisturbed, peace